Customer election
Your local community needs your vote
Influence through customer election
Customer election
The customer election for 2024 is ended.
As a general insurance customer in Gjensidige in Norway, you can influence grants from Gjensidigestiftelsen as well as the management of Gjensidigestiftelsen’s ownership in Gjensidige Forsikring ASA.
Constituencies in the Gjensidige Foundation
As a general insurance customer in Gjensidige in Norway, you can influence grants from Gjensidigestiftelsen as well as the management of Gjensidigestiftelsen’s ownership in Gjensidige Forsikring ASA.
For english translation, use this link
Constituencies in the Gjensidige Foundation
Representatives from 19 constituencies are elected to the general meeting of Gjensidigestiftelsen.
How to vote
Vote in this year's customer election here
You must first choose whether to vote as "Private" or "Business".
If you select "Private", you must log in with BankID.
If you are going to vote for a "Company", you must log in with the correct organization number and the postcode we have registered in our systems.
For companies that exercise the right to vote in the customer election, Gjensidige presupposes that the vote is cast by either:
- The general manager
- One of those who have been given access to the company's page on
- Someone the company has specifically authorized to vote on behalf of the company.
* If you are a customer of one of the five local mutuals Gjensidige Indre Østfold and Andebu, Gjensidige Hallingdal, Gjensidige Valdres, Gjensidige Stjørdal or Gjensidige Sykkylven, you will also receive a ballot paper so that you can vote in the election of members to the general meeting of your local company.
Gjensidigestiftelsen er Norges største stiftelse og forvalter sitt langsiktige eierskap i Gjensidige Forsikring ASA. Stiftelsen er også en viktig bidragsyter til ulike samfunnsnyttige formål, fastsetter rammer for og utbetaler kundeutbytte til selskapets skadeforsikringskunder i Norge.
Gjennom Gjensidigestiftelsen kan alle søke om midler til prosjekter som fremmer trygghet og helse. Tiltakene må være forebyggende, utviklende, aktivitetsskapende og samfunnsbyggende.
Les mer om stiftelsen på